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Guarded for Glory


Title: Guarded for Glory 9/6/2020

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, fades not away, reserved in heaven for you. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation …revealed in the last time? (Guarded for Glory)”. 1 Peter 1:3-5

Is it not wonderful to know that we, as “Believers” are not just born, are not just walking in this world in idleness, but are born with purpose and to glorify God? The decision for us to walk in purpose and His glory was elected by God in the deepness of eternity before we were born; and is revealed in the Word of God (Romans 11:25-36). It was done because God decided to love people and had nothing to do with what God would do or be. It was just “pure love” shown by God. For God concluded us all (Jew and Gentile) to be in unbelief and sin, that he might have mercy (Romans 11:32).

The “Glory of God” is exemplified in all that God is and does. All that He does and is simply is “Glory”. For example, we often hear a thankful believer say “To God Be the Glory or “God be Glorified” without fully understanding God’s glory.

Peter, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, who was commanded by Jesus to minister to the early church, to encourage and strengthen them, and to be a personal witness. Although the letter in 1 Peter focuses on glorifying the Lord but also suffering, it also grew mostly out of a life lived to the Glory of God. This means that he communicated to the believers God’s message led by the Holy Spirit’s working. Peter is the apostle of “hope” which means a “living hope” because we believe in a living Christ. Its more than “hope so”. True Christian hope is confident assurance of present suffering yet future glory and blessing as we live to help others. Where are you in your relationship and purpose to God through Christ and workings of the Holy Spirit? The works of man done for the Glory of God will last, is reserved, and is rewarded (1 John 2:17). The Lord knows our way even before eternity and knows our way today through His merciful foreknowledge and mystery. His eyes are intently upon us to extend Grace. In summary, we are not kept by our own power but by God’s power. We have a “Salvation” inheritance. We are saved because our hearts were convicted one day through the workings of the Holy Spirit and now, deeply inside, we believe by faith. The Word of God says, “We are predestined, called, justified and already been glorified (Ephesians 1:13-14). All that awaits is the public revelation of this Glory when Jesus returns for His church and to join God’s Kingdom. We are Guarded for His Glory! Amen. Keep reading the Word of God.. Minister Jessica Dowe, MD, PhD, MBA, FAAFP, ABOM

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