It’s Mine-WATCH ME 05/07/2023
“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The SPIRIT OF THE LORD will rest on him, the SPIRIT OF WISDOM and of UNDERSTANDING, the SPIRIT OF COUNSEL and MIGHT, the SPIRIT OF KNOWLEDGEand SPIRIT OF FEAR.” Isaiah 11:1-2
God is declaring through Isaiah that He will never abandon His people of the Proclaimed Dynasty of King David; that includes all believers today! God will do this fate through God’s Son, Jesus. During Isaiah’s time, God’s people were living during hard times, being conquered by surrounding armies with evil kings. Sounds similarly to conquering times we are going through today. Although they were having sad times-a better descendant of David was coming.
Jesus was coming and is still coming a second time for His believers! The referenced scripture above is fore-telling the promised Messiah who possesses the fullness of God’s Spirit which is expressed to us today in 7 operations (The SPIRIT OF THE LORD will rest on him, the SPIRIT OF WISDOM and of UNDERSTANDING, the SPIRIT OF COUNSEL and MIGHT, the SPIRIT OF KNOWLEDGE and SPIRIT OF FEAR Rev 4:5).
This Spirit of Might expresses himself to us in vigor and strength today as well. Philippians 4:12-13 says, “I know what it is to be in need, and to have plenty. I’ve learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” As believers, we will be overcomers because we have too much of the lord’s Spirit in us to fail! We are the ones who perseveres in faithfulness amid persecution.
Acts 2:1-4 speaks of this Spirit of Might. On Pentecost, the apostles were all together when they heard what sounded like a violent rushing wind…a wind from heaven that filled the whole house. The saints emphasized Unity and Obedience and as a result they experienced the presence, power and influence of the work of the Holy Spirit’s Might. They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and rested on each of them. This indicated that the Spirit of Might exists and had come to dwell within them. In Ephesians 3:14-21, Paul discusses how glorious and spiritually rich believers are especially since they know whom exist within them. Every brother and sister in God’s household can access the power of the Spirit of Might as Paul explains. Continue my brothers and sisters in increased intimacy with our Lord and Savior; giving Him access to every room in your heart, and in return He will continue to give each of you a love that surpasses knowledge. Its like being in God’s presence for 100 quadrillion years and still in introductory phase. God wants us to know His love is inexhaustible-no end to knowing the great love He has for us-when we give Him our hearts!
From the ministry offered at Med Life Fit Medical Clinic and Spa