Title: "Kept by Grace" 7/23 - 7/30, 2022
"While I was with them in the world, I kept them in the power of thy name: those that thou gave me I have kept, I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil...Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth". John 7.%'12-17 KJV
God's desire is for all people to be saved and none to be lost, God's love saves us because He sent part of Himself in the divine existence of the Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus protects us, saves us in this world as we walk out His purposes in our lives.
In the above scripture, Jesus is praying to God, the Father, for His Disciples. He prayed on their behalf because they would be exposed to the world's prosecutions and hatred. Jesus was about to enter into the Garden of Gethsemane his disciples for the last time before, Judas, the deceiver, would lead the Temple guards to arrest Him, Jesus would then be taken to Caiaphas's house for his first of many trials before His crucifixion. The officials did not like Jesus' message of salvation through eternal life and wanted him dead. At this time Jesus is 30 years old and the entire Chapter 17 of John is Jesus in
Priestly prayer. You see, the WORLD is a battleground where the forces under
Satan's power works through people motivated by bitter hatred and evil principles. Satan and his forces and God's authority are at war.
But, by God, we are "Kept by Grace." Jesus prayed that God would keep his chosen ones safe from Satan's power! We plead with you to nurture your relationship with God. By knowing God the Father through his Son Jesus the
Christ, Christ loves us and lives in us by way of our "Spirit" (The Holy Spirit). One purpose o f\God's sovereign election is that believers should produce spiritual fruits like living right, godly right behaviors, praises to Him and leading to have faith in Jesus,
We should not try to escape this world. Jesus did not ask God to take us out the world but to use us in the world. We are to do the work that God sent us hereto do, Be encouraged that we are "Kept by grace in the power of His name".
We at MED-LIFE„FIT continuously pray tar you. Knowing that Jesus prayed for us to be kept by God's POWER! We will keep confident as we stay focused and become healthier in order to move to the work for the Kingdom. God Bless You and the Kingdom of GOD. Remember,
You are Kept by Grace by through Jesus! Amen!
"Don 't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me" John 14:1
"A WORD OF GOD, FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD" from the Ministry of Med-Life-Fit INC