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Updated: Nov 1, 2021


TITLE: Sufficiency


Let no person therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of Sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body IS of CHRISTColossians 2:16-17

In this Lifestyle practice, we often encounter questions on the proper foods to eat. Since medicine is the study of the prevention, maintenance and cure of diseases, there are many investigations of foods consumed by the body and their nutritional content. Also, the lifestyle a person partakes (involving exercise, smoking, lack of sleep, and other tangible behaviors) can affect the physical body.

Lifestyle involves the mind body and spiritual soul. Paul, an Apostle of Christ who wanted all persons to be mature in the salvation of their Spirit. Paul preached encouragement in love to all that they may have all the riches of complete understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery, in Christ. Col 2:3 says, “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of life” (knowledge, wisdom and understanding). During Pauline times, The Jewish Israelites were preaching from a religious legalistic system. Their doctrines were a mixture of eastern mysticism, philosophy, Christian doctrines as well as Jewish legalistic laws requiring fleshly-removal of skin circumcision and prohibition of certain foods (see scripture above). The believing Gentiles in Colosse never were under the Law of Moses (Rom 9:4) as were the Jewish Israelites. So, now that the Colossian Gentiles were Christians under the newly formed Christian church, why would they submit to the eating rules, horoscopes, and angel-worship requirements in order to get to God’s holiness? Paul says, “God wanted to make known to the Gentiles that Christ lives in you-the hope of glory! Sufficiency in Jesus is all your Spirit needs to get to God’s holiness. God wants to share His holiness with us through Jesus then, God satisfies God!

So, if you have diseases like hypertension, diabetes or obesity follow the physical requirements from the doctor. The Ministry of MedLifeFit Medical Spa want to encourage spiritual discipline so that you keep maturing in Christ!

ALL the Fullness of life dwells in Jesus Christ and in Him Only. Therefore, in the scripture above, the basis for our freedom is in the work of Jesus on the Cross. He canceled the debt and the drudgery of the Law and its rules and regulations. We are under the grace of God. For by grace, are we saved through our faith, not of ourselves: It is the gift of God (Eph 2:8)

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