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“The Fallen is Guaranteed Recovery”


“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.” Psalm 51:10-11 Unlike press releases or local company’s Grand Openings, the bible always tells the truth about it characters. Charles Spurgeon said, “God does not allow His children to sin successfully”. In the writing of the psalter above, King David has come to terms with his fault of committing adultery with Bath-sheba and murdering her husband as a last-ditch cover-up effort as written in 2 Samuel 11. Interestingly, in the immediate previous Chapters 7-10, we read about David’s successes (military conquests and the Lord God’s Blessing with the Davidic covenant, which has significant implications today for Israel, the church of Christians and for the world at-large). Now that King David had no wars to fight at that time, what does he do? Chapter 7 of 2 Samuel helps us see at least two paths he chose to take. Firstly, from a childhood shepherd’s approach, David humbly considers how kind God has been to him and he wants to repay God’s goodness by building God a Temple or house to live in. But God quickly tells David through the prophet Nathan that God needed no man to do this for Him (v. 8-11). God could do this for Himself and He would through David’s son, Solomon (1 Kgs 8:19). The Lord God instead of honoring himself he honored David. Only a God (“Jehovah Elohim”) with sovereign Grace, mercy and power could fulfill such tall orders from the beginning of the world to “choose the house of David” to bring His son “Jesus” into the world. Now spiritual blessings offered to King David are also given to us today as Christians. Secondly, instead of David going with his troops to give moral support, idleness provided mischief that lead to him committing adultery and etc. Next nine months he lost wars, had moral decay and Godly chastisement. But God found him and David in turn sought the face of God as written in Psalm 51 above. “The Fallen is Guaranteed Recovery” “For the Lord chastens those He loves and seeks them to be obedient” 2 Sam 7:1

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